Dr. Inbal Kolushi-Minsker
Dr. Inbal Kolushi-Minsker
Dr. Inbal Koloshi-Minsker is a research associate, under the supervision of Prof. Zehavit Kohen at the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion, on a research project of a scientific-engineering context with social contribution, among middle school students. 
During the project, students are creating physical models for technologies from the scientific-engineering industry, with the aim of developing engineers’ habits of mind in building a scientific-engineering-social product, mathematical
 modelling competencies and social-emotional skills required for success in teamwork in the high-tech industry.
Dr. Koloshi-Minsker has a bachelor’s degree in special education, a master’s degree in education, a PhD in education in the field of cultivating self-direction in cognitive and emotional learning, and in solving mathematical problems from the Bar-Ilan University, and a post-doctorate from the MOFET Institute.