About The Research Laboratory

Structured mathematical modelling in a scientific-engineering context
Research of the design, implementation, and evaluation of structured mathematical modelling tasks in an authentic scientific-engineering context. Structure is realized through inherently scaffolding in the task, for the dual purpose of preserving the authenticity of the extra-mathematical context and the adapting required to allow the task incorporation into the duration of a regular class, and with the full capacity of the curriculum.

Think like a mathematician
The research of Mathematical Habits of Mind in a hybrid learning environment. In the current research we follow the thematical Habits of Mind of 12th grade mathematics teachers, who teach advanced mathematics (at the 5 units level) using a hybrid learning environment. They use the “Simply mathematics” course which was established at the Technion by Dr. Aviv Censor from the Faculty of Mathematics and is published at the Campus-IL website platform.

Teachers solve problems in a collaborative forum
The research of the contribution of online forums that apply collaborative problem-solving (PSF: Problem-Solving Forums) of challenging mathematical problems in small groups. This method is used for the professional development of mathematics teachers in light of the theory of self-regulated learning in teaching and learning (SRL/SRT). It is based on the solution of problems for the support and follow-up of the collaborative activity of teachers in the forum.

High-school Mathematics and future choice of STEM academic learning and professional career
A longitudinal and cross-sectional study. This research examined the distribution of the choice of STEM professions in critical career decision points (high school, academia, and occupation). Further, the long-term impact of studying advanced mathematics and science in high school was explored. Demographic and academic parameters were examined in relation to the future choice of STEM professions. Data for this study was based on records of 534,590 students over one and a half decade, which were retrieved from the Central Bureau of Statistics in Israel.

Best-instructional practices for teaching mathematical modelling
The research follows the development of effective teaching practices among
pre-service mathematics teachers who participate in the “Views” program in the Technion. The prospective teachers experience teaching and learning of i-MAT modelling tasks in the MtED laboratory. The research aims to examine the effect of instruction-based on mathematical modelling in a scientific-engineering context on the use of effective teaching practices that are beyond the standard classroom teaching.
pre-service mathematics teachers who participate in the “Views” program in the Technion. The prospective teachers experience teaching and learning of i-MAT modelling tasks in the MtED laboratory. The research aims to examine the effect of instruction-based on mathematical modelling in a scientific-engineering context on the use of effective teaching practices that are beyond the standard classroom teaching.