Mathematical modeling: Classroom integration challenges, from materials design to assessment and teacher training. Yasmin completed her master thesis under the supervision of Prof. Zehavit Kohen. One of the main questions discussed in here thesis is: How can we identify a good mathematical modeling problem? The study presents the process of constructing and validating an innovative assessment tool – ‘The Rubric for Assessing Mathematical Modeling Problems’. The rubric is based on three basic mathematical modeling procedures, and can also be used as a formative assessment tool when designing content, problems, or tasks that promote high levels of mathematical modeling among students. Yasmin graduated from the Technion’s “Views 2” program, in addition to her bachelor’s degree in mathematics statistics and operations research from the Technion. Currently, she is working as a mathematics coordinator and teacher, preparing her students for the highest level of the BAGRUT mathematics examination.

Yasmin Gharra – Badran – MA graduate (2022)